My Name is
Achraf Essaoudi

Who is Ashraf Essaoudi

student and passionate full-stack developer from 1337 Coding School Med, i have been always found myself into developing and coding since i was young, i believe my skills and fast learning will strongly and greatly contribute to come up with bright solutions and build complicated web apps

My Projects



a full stack application built with nextjs, mongodb and tailwind



ft_transcendence is a ping pong full stack application, with authentication, authorization, live chat, and more features, glad to collaborate with khalid slik, Youssef Labrahmi and Houssam Hdagdagu



Inception is one of project i enjoyed working on it, it aims on configure mariadb, nginx, php-fpm and wordpress, each one has to be in a container, and all has to connect with each other using volumes and networks and run with docker compose, It's basically an entry to containerization

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Contact Me

Av lalla Selma, Ahriq, Martil, Morocco

